5 thoughts on “Lost and Found in Mexico

  1. I just returned from my 3rd trip to SMA and while I was there someone suggested I get a copy of this film. I went everywhere, including the radio station, and no one had one. How can I obtain one? Thanks.

  2. Hi Noelle, The film is showing at film festivals and in SMA at the moment. I do not think the DVD will be available for a while, however. I would suggest that you go to the Lost and Found in Mexico website and contact the filmmaker about its distribution. I am completely sympathetic–it is very difficult to see some independent films in the U.S.

  3. Anonymous

    Though we have not seen the film we spoke with some Canadian tourists here in GTO who had. They said that there were questions and answers after the film and most were aimed at just how the SMA community had assimilated into the local SMA community and if they had deep relationships with their Mexican neighbors. The language deficit was given as the answer for why the relationaship between the locals and the gringos is found a bit lacking.Doug

  4. Hi…Caren Cross here, creator of LOST and FOUND in MEXICO. I believe I’ve been misquoted. In the film and during the Q and A following the screening in SMA I explained why I don’t have close Mexican friends. The important word here is close. I don’t have the facility to speak Spanish in a deep way. I cannot express nor understand the nuances that are necessary for intimacy. However, I speak Spanish in my daily life without a hitch. I have hundreds of “acquaintances” in SMA.

  5. I just caught this film at a < HREF="http://www.sidewalkfest.com" REL="nofollow">festival<> in Birmingham and have already < HREF="http://ploneglenn.blogspot.com/2007/10/sidewalk-moving-picture-festival.html" REL="nofollow">reviewed<> it. Great stuff! It makes me wonder if more psychotherapists should be hired or involved in the making of films since they are good at evaluating need structure.

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